Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Genre Overview

Since my last post I have decided I want to do a coming-of-age movie opening. Since deciding, I have conducted some research to better understand conventions/ the target audience of this genre and how it will relate to my project. 

According to “Coming-of-Age Movies: What is the Coming-of-Age Genre?” by Masterclass, this genre focuses on “the interior lives and emotions of the characters, rather than an outside action or adventure that’s driving the narrative” and “the characters’ mental, emotional, and personal growth” 

Here is the article if you want to read more:

In terms of my movie opening, this means that leaving the audience with a strong impression of my main character and their personality is much more important than immediately/explicitly expressing the ‘conflict’ of the film. This is because I need to present who my character is in the beginning of the movie to show growth at the end. 

Further, the target audience of this genre are usually people ages 12-18. This information is essential seeing as the people who I can expect to watch the opening are ‘coming-of-age’ themselves. Therefore, the main character of my opening needs to be someone who is, at least on some level, relatable.  My audience needs to be able to see parts of themselves within the character.

Popular movies within this genre which display these characteristics in their openings:

  1. Ladybird Movie Opening

Through Ladybird’s dialogue in the exchange with her mother, we as viewers can see that she is idealistic and somewhat unappreciative. Through her actions of jumping out of the car, we can see that she is also impulsive. Her impulsivity and idealism are also aspects that teen viewers can relate with. Now that we have insight on her character, we see her emotions/thoughts towards her environment, and we can expect to see her growth throughout the film. This illustrates the importance of having the character make a strong impact on the viewer so they have a good idea of their personality.

  1. Clueless Movie Opening

Through mine-en-scene elements of her house/clothing and sound elements of narration, we get to know Cher as a carefree and wealthy teen girl. This characterization can also be represented by her crashing her Jeep and introduction of her friend Dion. Although her lifestyle may seem un-relatable, her naivety and relationship with friends are things that teens can see in themselves. In doing so, we get to know her persona at the beginning of the movie which seems to hint at the developments in character that will happen throughout. These characteristics are all based on the impression that Cher gave in the opening.


MasterClass. “Coming-of-Age Movies: What Is the Coming-of-Age Genre? - 2022.” MasterClass, MasterClass, 24 Sept. 2021, 

“Why Are Coming of Age Films so Important to Us?” Edinburgh International Film Festival, 

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