Monday, March 7, 2022

Red Throughout the Opening

 The Red Shirt

As I stated before, one way I wanted to unveil the emotional state of my character was through color. The most obvious way I aimed to do so was through her clothing. When we first meet the character, she is wearing the peaceful colors of light blue and green and her hair is pulled back neatly. When Sophia first put on the costume, we clipped the inside to keep the red shirt underneath from showing itself too early.

The character becomes more engrossed in her work, she starts to break her put-together façade. Unconsciously, she is beginning to create a mess in her room. Thus, the red shirt begins to peek through her robe. This is representative of her true emotional state surfacing.

Other Red Elements

The Books

I had mentioned in a previous post that I wanted to incorporate some sort of clue prior to the unveiling of the red shirt that utilized the color to hint at her emotional struggle. I had said I would either do it through a bracelet or nail polish. However, after thinking more, I decided not to do it this way since I already have an unveiling through her costume. Instead, I chose to use a shot before we see the main character. This was a shot of her bookshelf which has orderly green and white books and then scattered red books.

Red Yarn

As the character works on her project she begins to use red yarn. This was another way I chose to incorporate the color red. I wanted this yarn to connect the things she is pinning to the board. Since the color red is meant to be reflective of the character’s true self, I think that in a broader sense, using the red string to connect her thoughts and ideas (the cutouts on the board) could be representative of her passionate work/chaotic mindset.  

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